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Wednesday, 21 October 2020

MC's Copy of Student Questions

 ETV Jordy’s problem   
Question and clarify
Watch this introduction and video.  

Every time I pause it, I will role-model what questions I have and how do I clarify my thinking.

We ask questions constantly and we make connections with what we already know, this is how the brain operates when it creates understanding when we read texts.  

Our brains constantly question and clarify at light speed - this exercise will slow down the process, to make the skill clearer.

Starts at 1.30

Question (wonderings)

Clarify (meanings/answer)

Break  1

1.30 to 1.47

Why are they saying rules?

What are they talking about?

What are they going to say next?

No exemption - not tolerated?

It the topic


They went back to the start of the story

Treat tonga

Break 2

1.47 to 1.50

Who is Jordy?

Where is Palmerston North? 

What happened to the bracelet?

school girl,victim

North island

Cut off,reattached

Break 3

1.50 to 2.04

Why would she be sad?

What importance does the bracelet have? 

The bracelet was from her dad and it had to be cut off.

Break 4

2.04 to 2.19

What are the anger issues and why do they have anything to do with this?


Controlled Release now it’s time for you to ask the questions as I stop.  
Who’s got questions?  How many can we answer from above now?

Break 5

2.19 to 2.35

How did he die?
When did she get the bracelet?

When she was born 
Break 6
2.35 to 2.58
Why are they making it such a big deal about the bracelet?
What is a christening bracelet?
How old are you when you get it?
Why did they have to cut it off?
It important
Maybe one year old
It was not aloud in school
2.58 to 3.19
If you can wear a greenstone, why can you wear the bracelet?

Break 8
3.19 to 3.46
What does a traditional school mean?
What did the mum do?
What did mum do that she thought is Now wrong?
Break 9
Why do you think the parents support the rules?
Does that mean the rules are fair for everyone?
What is an alternative solution?



Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Tabula Rasa English work


Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa” | Tabula rasa, Rasa, Robot designTabula Rasa - THE LITERACY SHED


He was on the brink of lower battery/death,and found a small plant

In the middle of nowhere,he decided to take the small plant from the ground.


He tried to climb a tall hill,and fell from near the top of the hill because he wanted to plant the small plant at the top of the hill so that everyone could see it


He reached the top but before he could plant it his battery ran out, years passed and the small plant grew Into a beautiful big tree for everyone to see.

Summary in less than 60 words. 

Firstly he found a small tree, next he climbed a hill to plant it, lastly he died and the tree grew

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Durga myths and legends

English Version


 Story of goddess Durga

According to a story of Goddess Durga, the Gods once asked her, "Goddess, why have you kept these weapons? You can destroy all the demons with a single shout." Then some gods answered themselves, saying, "You are so kind, that you also want to purify the demons through your weapons. You want to free them, and that's why you are doing it."

"Let me tell you briefly. In those days there was no gun. In those days, there were only tridents. If there were guns in those days, perhaps Durga Maa would have had AK-47 in her hands." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The deep meaning of the form of Goddess Durga

The message behind the story of Maa Durga is that karma has its place. Just having the determination alone does not work. See, God has given us hands and feet, so that we can work. Why does Goddess Mata have so many hands?

This implies that God also works, and not just with one hand, with thousands of hands and in thousands of ways. The goddess has thousands of ways to destroy the demons. She can destroy iniquity even with a flower, like Gandhigiri. That is why the goddess has flowers in her hands, so that only work can be done with flowers. And then by playing conch, broadcasting knowledge also. If that too does not work, then they use the Sudarshan Chakra. Therefore, they have more than one remedy.

This symbolizes that to bring change in this world, only one device does not work. You have to find many ways.

The impact of the form of Goddess Durga in our relationship and life

The same is true in our relationships. We cannot persevere under all circumstances. It will not happen if you persist with your father all the time, and then expect that to be the case. Sometimes love, sometimes persistence and sometimes anger work. The same goes with children. See how parents behave in different ways and behaviors while raising children. Using poles every time will not work. Sometimes they will also have to work with love. So the same thing has been said.

There can be many solutions to every problem and that is why Devi is equipped with so many weapons.

Hindi version

देवी दुर्गा की कहानी

देवी दुर्गा की एक कहानी के अनुसार एक बार देवताओं ने उनसे पूछा कि, "देवी, आपने इन शस्त्रों को क्यों उठा रखा है? आप अपनी एक हुंकार से सभी दानवों का विनाश कर सकती हैं।" तब कुछ देवताओं ने स्वयं ही उत्तर देते हुए कहा, "आप इतनी दयावान हैं, कि आप दानवों को भी अपने शस्त्रों के माध्यम से शुद्ध कर देना चाहती हैं। आप उन्हें मुक्त करना चाहती हैं, और इसीलिये आप ऐसा कर रहीं हैं।"

"मैं आपको संक्षेप में बताता हूँ। उन दिनों में बंदूक नहीं होती थी। उन दिनों में, केवल त्रिशूल होते थे। यदि उन दिनों में बन्दूक होती, तो शायद दुर्गा माँ के हाथों में AK-47 होती।"- श्री श्री रविशंकर

देवी दुर्गा के रूप का गहरा अर्थ

माँ दुर्गा की कहानी के पीछे यह संदेश है, कि कर्म की अपनी जगह होती है। केवल अकेले संकल्प के होने से काम नहीं होता। देखिये, भगवान ने हमें हाथ और पैर दिए हैं, ताकि हम काम कर सकें। देवी माता के इतने सारे हाथ क्यों हैं?

इसका तात्पर्य यह है कि भगवान भी काम करते हैं, और केवल एक हाथ से नहीं, हज़ारों हाथों से और हज़ारों तरीकों से। देवी के पास असुरों का विना श करने के हज़ारों तरीकें हैं।वे एक फूल से भी अधर्म का विनाश कर सकती हैं, जैसे गांधीगिरी। इसीलिये देवी अपने हाथों में फूल लिए हैं, ताकि फूल से ही काम हो जाए। और फिर शंख बजाकर, ज्ञान प्रसारण करके भी। अगर वह भी काम नहीं करता, तो फिर वे सुदर्शन चक्र का उपयोग करती हैं। इसलिए, उनके पास एक से अधिक उपाय हैं।

यह इस बात का प्रतीक है कि इस विश्व में परिवर्तन लाने के लिए, केवल कोई एक ही युक्ति काम नहीं करती।आपको बहुत से तरीके ढूँढने पड़ते हैं।

देवी दुर्गा के रूप का असर हमारे रिश्ते और जीवन में

यही बात हमारे रिश्तों में भी है। हम हर परिस्थिति में हठ नहीं कर सकते। यदि आप अपने पिता के साथ हर समय हठ करेंगे, और फिर उम्मीद करेंगे कि बात बन जाए तो ऐसा नहीं होगा। कभी प्यार, कभी हठ करना और कभी कभी गुस्सा करने से काम होता है। बच्चों के साथ भी यही है। देखिये किस तरह माँ-बाप बच्चों को बड़ा करते समय तरह तरह की युक्ति और व्यवहार करते हैं। हर बार डंडे का प्रयोग करने से काम नहीं बनेगा। कभी कभी उन्हें प्यार से भी काम करवाना पड़ेगा। तो यही बात कही गयी है।

हर समस्या के बहुत से समाधान हो सकते हैं और इसीलिये देवी इतने सारे अस्त्र-शस्त्रों से सुसज्जित हैं।

Summarise (in 34 words)

A man named Mahesh  Shatur wanted to destroy earth , so the gods merged together and created Durga, a woman with ten hands. She fought with Mahesh shatur for ten days and victory was hers.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Greek myths & legends

The Greek myth I am studying is called Pandora's Box.

Pandora's box by LenaNik on DeviantArt

Greek people believe that Pandora is the first woman to have come to EARTH!.She was created by a god named Hephaestus god of sculptors .Zeus king of all the gods want to take revenge because Prometheus took the fire of god. Pandora got gifts from gods and soon she was able to become the perfect human-being. When she came to earth she brought a box the gods give her and said not to open. She married a man named Epimetheus they lived happily together ,until one day Pandora started to hear voices coming from the box. Pretty soon Pandora got annoyed and buried the box underground to make it stop. One night when Pandora was sleeping she had a dream about the box so she decide to open it. When she did she let all the bad thing like pain, suffering out but she also let hope out to help them and all humanity. soon she had a baby girl named Pyrrha. Zeus wanted them to be punished so he flood everything and the only people who survived were Pyrrha and her love Deucalion along with hope. Pyrrha was the mother of all women in the world to come. 

In my opinion the moral that we learned from Zeus' character is 'don't get mad over little things that can be fixed.' 'Don't sweat the small stuff', is a common expression that people use. The moral I learned from Pandora is to never give in to temptation if it will cause you Grief.The moral form Prometheus is not to take things that doesn't belong to you.     

Monday, 10 August 2020

Jessica - bird mascot work


Scientific name: Cuculidae

Shining bronze cuckoo - Wikipedia

Why did you choose this bird?

 I chose this bird because it represents a side of me. This bird is known to being the most laziest as well as the most irresponsible bird in the world.

What is your bird afraid of?

Big scary birds like golden eagles.

Is your bird smart? 

Cuckoos are supposed to be eccentric and have a very low IQ.

Has you bird been a symbol or an icon? 

In Europe, the cuckoo are related to spring, and with cuckoldry, In India, cuckoos are sacred of  Kamadeva, the god of desire and longing, and in Japan, the cuckoo symbolises unrequited love.

What is a group of cuckoo called?

A group of cuckoos are called asylum.


My Mascot is a cuckoo it was and still is being use as a symbol in the would, my bird is known for being the most untrustworthy and laziest of birds.They often steal other birds nest and lay there own eggs.